Network of professionals and researchers in Physical Exercise and Senior Citizens (REFyTE)
The Network of professionals and researchers in Physical Exercise and Senior Citizens (REFyTE), has flourished within the University of Vigo HealthyFit research group(HI22) due to the need to create a forum for debate, analysis of experiences and presenting proposals for intervention and research, in order to improve the health and quality of life of senior citizens, through physical exercise.
If you wish, you can request to be included in the Network of Physical Exercise and Senior Citizens professionals and researchers (REFyTE).
REGISTER IN THE REFYTEObjetives of the network
- To be a point of connection between professionals and researchers involved in the prescription of physical exercise to senior citizens.
- To offer online updated training in the prescription of physical exercise in senior citizens by sharing the results of the latest work and research experiences in this field
- To present the different areas of research developed by the research groups and researchers in the network.
- To share the different experiences of professionals working in the sector of physical exercise and senior citizens.
- To offer a forum for communication, debate and sharing of aspects that contribute to improving knowledge in the pre-registration of physical exercise for senior citizens.
- To carry out the functions of an observatory on best practices in the prescription of physical exercise to senior citizens.
- To promote collaboration between the University and sports/social service companiesfor the joint development of projects for physical exercise and senior citizens.
- To offer relevant information regarding the prescription of physical exercise for senior citizens:
- Relevant events: Conferences, training courses, Video conferences, etc.
- Actions and ongoing projects developed by the different parts of the network (training activities, teaching, projects with companies, projects with public organisations, collaboration agreements, publications,...).